Hello, my name is Parris Reed and I am an INTERIOR DESIGNER that is lucky enough to work hand in hand with my fabulous mother/boss, Sharon Reed. This blog is here to document and celebrate our love of design, our crazy work life (usually in the car, hence the travels), and our fun finds along the way!
The Goddess of Print and Pattern
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Print, Pattern, & Color… these are a few of my favorite things! Last night I was flipping through the March issue of Harper’s Bazaar and noticed, to my delight, that prints and bold colors are the way the fashion world has decided to greet 2011′s season of Spring! One of the first people that came to my mind when I discovered this little tid-bit was Diane Von Furstenberg, the purveyor of all things patterned, colorful, and fun! Today I would like to celebrate the launch of Diane Von Furstenberg’s home collection! It just hit Bloomingdales this January and I am absolutely loving it! I hope you do to!
Be sure to check out her home textile collection
Be sure to check out her home textile collection…
I absolutely LOVE the leopard print plate!
DVF table scape. Casual yet bold!
DVF recently designed rooms for Claridge’s Hotel in London…
Notice how she has many patterns and colors, but it still has a classic look. This is achieved by using classic furniture pieces and elements in the room and combining them with fun prints and colors!
A little throw back from the DVF 2008 collection… Love the color, Love the prints, Love it all!
Spring 2011
Spring 2011
Diane Von Furstenberg herself!Check out the rest of her collection at www.dvf.com
Happy Wednesday!!